Run Review

Date: Sun 15/05/2011
Time: 3pm
Weather: Sunny spells. 15c.
Pace/Type: Easy
Course: Home Course. Road.
Shoes: Nike Pegasus+ 27
Clothes: Adidas short sleeve top. Adidas shorts.
Health: Good
Distance: 5 miles
Time: Not timed
Comments: First run since 7.2 miles on Thursday. So sort of a recovery run in a way. It's funny how much easier 5 miles seems when you know your capable of a fair bit more. At the start of the run I saw a colleague from work in front of me. He's a good runner who I know can easily come under 35 mins for 5 miles, so I didn't stop him. Tried to keep him in my sights for a while which helped my early pace which would otherwise be a lot slower.

DateThurs 12/05/2011
Time: 6pm
Weather: Sunny spells. 15c.
Pace/Type: LSR
Course: Home Course. Road.
Shoes: Nike Pegasus+ 27
Clothes: Adidas short sleeve top. Adidas shorts.
Health: Good
Distance: 7.2 miles
Time: Not timed
Well I'm not going to beat about the bush, I just had a great run. One of those that reminds you why you do it. When your walking back and every last bit of energy has been squeezed out of you along with any stress and worries that we're kicking around in the back of your head (I had a few after visiting one of our clients today!).

I always knew these legs were capable of more than 5.5 miles, but with all the injuries this year, doubts start entering your mind asking if this is really for you. I set out with the intention of doing a bit more tonight and ended up at 7.6 miles. So I'm properly chuffed, and what a lovely evening! Didn't bother timing. It was just about the distance.

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