Week Review - 30th Jan 2012


Rest Day


Time: 5.30pm
Pace/Type: Easy
Course: Home. Road.
Shoes: Invo-8 Road-X 255
Clothes: LS top under wind jacket. Shorts.
Distance: 4.56 miles
Time: 53:12
Comments: This was a reminder that some runs are not always that enjoyable.


Time: 6pm
Weather: Overcast. -2c.
Pace/Type: Tempo
Course: Home. Road.
Shoes: Invo-8 Road-X 255
 LS top under wind jacket. Tights. 
Distance: 6.64 miles
Time: 1:06:52
Comments: Was tough as expected but went well. I didn't look at the watch during the run, just upped my pace to what I thought was achievable over the time. The average was 9:30 m/m which was slower than I thought it was at the time. It was a reminder that for a sub 2hr HM, there is a lot of work to do.


Rest Day




Rest Day 


Time: 9:00am
Weather: Cloudy. 1c.
Pace/Type: Long Slow Run
Course: Home. Road.
Shoes: Invo-8 Road-X 255
Clothes: Wind Jacket, LS zip neck top, tights
Distance: 10.76 miles
Time: 2:04:41
Comments: Went well. Some niggles along the way, but was able to manage them. In the last 2-3 miles settled into a nice pace where my top half was straight and didn't move, my legs were relaxed and my feet flexed properly to relieve my shins. It seemed to bring in my core and quads much more which felt right. Eating 6-7 dates and drinking 200ml of water half way through seemed to work well.

Total Mileage: 21.96 miles