Run Review

DateWed 20/04/2011
Time: Midday
Weather: Sunny. 18c.
Pace/Type: Easy
Course: Work Course. Road/Trail.
Shoes: Nike Pegasus+ 27
Clothes: Adidas short sleeve top. Adidas shorts.
Health: Good
Distance: 5 miles
Time: 44:36.
Comments: Went with 2 other guys from work. Faster start than I am used to. Struggled through the middle of the run. Hills went well, stitch came on after the hills that didn't really go away, and got really bad at the end of the run, so much so that I could not raise my pace at all. Worst stitch I've encountered so far. Not used to them not going away like that. Hoping for better tomorrow/friday.

Date: Mon 18/04/2011
Time: Midday
Weather: Sunny. 18c.
Pace/Type: Easy
Course: Work Course. Road/Trail.
Shoes: Nike Pegasus+ 27
Clothes: Adidas short sleeve top. Adidas shorts.
Health: Good
Distance: 5 miles
Time: 41:56.
Comments: From a slow start went very well. A look at the watch a mile from the finish gave me a boost that I was on for a PB. Stitch on the finishing straight but not enough to stop my pace to the end. Would like to break 40 mins by the time next race comes round in May.

DateSat 16/04/2011
Time: 3pm
Weather: Sunny. 14c.
Pace/Type: Easy
Course: Home Course. Road.
Shoes: Nike Pegasus+ 27
Clothes: Adidas short sleeve top. Adidas shorts.
Health: Good
Distance: 5 miles
Time: Not timed.
Comments: Still getting used to the frequency of the 5 mile distance. Did 2 laps of 2.5 miles. Second half of the last lap was tough.

Run Review

Date: Thurs 14/04/2011
Time: Midday
Weather: Sunny. 14c.
Pace/Type: Easy
Course: Work course. Road/Trail.
Shoes: Nike Pegasus+ 27
Clothes: Adidas short sleeve top. Adidas shorts.
Health: Good
Distance: 5 miles
Time: 44:16
Comments: First run since the race last sunday. Legs were tight for the first few miles, even after lots of warming up (Played football last night with the lads from work). Tackling the hills felt a lot easier than last thursday. Maybe partly because the hill on sunday was 3/4 times the size! Looked at the watch about a mile out and it said 38 mins. So I focused for the remainder for a fair time considering the slow start. It continues to amaze me how, even if I'm absolutely shattered, looking at the watch and thinking theres a chance of a PB, always makes me pick up my pace and start firing for the finish. Can't say I've ever had that experience with anything else before.

Run Review

DateSun 11/04/2011
Time: 11am
Weather: Sunny. 15c.
Pace/Type: Race - Highworth 5 mile.
Course: Country Road
Shoes: Nike Pegasus+ 27
Clothes: Adidas short sleeve top. Adidas shorts.
Health: Good
Distance: 5 miles
Time: 42:56
My second ever race, and I have to say, although nerves weren't as bad as last Nov, they were still there. Hence me forgetting my watch!!!! Jeez you cant take some people anywhere! But still, what a lovely day for it! I was well hydrated and lotioned up. I positioned myself at the back we were off.  I tried to forget that I thought I needed a 3rd wee!
First couple of miles were just about settling into my pace. I was happy when I saw the route was all country road (which I love). I was gently passing people through miles 1-3 and it sounded like someone had latched on to me from what I could hear, but I just concentrated on my breathing and pace. Was going really well.
4th mile started to tell a bit and I wondered if I'd gone out to fast and left nothing for this hill that I was told about at the end. Well... the hill was a MAHOOOSIVE HILL!!! It just kept going up... and up... and up. But I was determined not to walk it. There were people stood outside their houses clapping which was nice. My chest was heaving round the bend at the top, where there was another mini hill. Got over that and it was on to the finish. I felt shattered, wasnt even thinking about the time. Mrs Matt and #1 were at the finish line. Made it 
When I crossed the line, one of the stewards took my number and said 'Well done, 43 minutes'... I said '43 minutes? Really?'. To say I am please is an understatement .

Date: Thurs 07/04/2011

Time: Midday
Weather: Sunny. 15c.
Pace/Type: Easy
Course: Work Course. Road/Trail.
Shoes: Nike Pegasus+ 27
Clothes: Adidas short sleeve top. Adidas shorts.
Health: Good
Distance: 5 miles
Time: Not timed
First run which scholl sports orthotic insoles. Went well. No sign of shin issues. Hard run due to lack of this distance.