Run Review

Week: 27/12/2010
Day: Monday
Time: 7pm
Weather: Snow, compacted and slushy in some places. 3c. Clear sky.
Pace/Type: Easy
Course: Home residential circuit
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS 10 (Meduim, Support, D Width)
Clothes: Adidas Response Half-Zip long sleeve top. Adidas Clima365 Tights.
Health: Coming back from a horrible cold and boozy xmas
Sleep: Good
Distance: 4.8 miles. 2 laps of 2.4 mile circuit
Time: Somewhere around 55 mins, not timed
Comments: My last run was Fri 17/12/2010, so after 10 days off (a horrible cold and xmas), I was a bit nervous about the return. 10 days has been the longest break from running I've had since I started in August. I took it very easy to start as am not used to the snowy slushy conditions. I was absolutely chuffed with the whole run, it was LUSH! I'd almost say invigorating. I went out feeling an out of shape bloater and came back feeling great again. I could not have asked for a better response from my body.

Even during this running break, I have learnt a lot. For starters, if the cold is a horrible one and not a sniffle, don't rush back. Although you're dying to get out there, you're fitness wont be affected too badly by a short break. Also, I was concerned about running in these conditions with the road running shoes I have. But actually it was fine. You do need to choose you're footing, but I found grip where I needed to.

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