Run Review

Date: Mon 14/03/2011
Time: 7pm
Weather: Clear. 7c.
Pace/Type: Easy
Course: Home. Road.
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS 11 (Meduim, Support, D Width)
Clothes: Puma long sleeve zip neck top, training top underneath. Adidas shorts.
Health: Good
Distance: 2.5 miles
Time: Not timed
Comments: Did a very easy 2.5M tonight and it went really well. I've been reading some more Bob Glover. His beginner-intermediate program is running 5 days a week, but only 2 miles a day with 3 at the weekend. I know thats ridiculously low mileage and not even enough to get into a run, but I think for the time being with my shin rehab and all. I was pleased it went well.

I feel that a number of things contributed. A walk at lunchtime to loosen the legs from yesterday. Good warm up, small stretch before hand, very slow start and a light steady pace.

Lovely fresh, quiet night. It was only 2.5 miles, but very enjoyable.

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