2012 Goals

Right, I've had enough time to think about it. It's goal time. This is the 2012 list:
  1. At least 15-20 miles a week (Consistancy)
  2. At least 3 races (Competition)
  3. A half marathon (Out of the comfort zone challenge)
  4. Run to work (10 miles) (2011 carry over)
So there we have it. I've a couple of 10k's in mind and if the HM comes off I'll be well on the way to a good start to the year. I don't believe any of those to be unachievable. If the HM goes well, I might (and it's a big might) look at a full marathon later in the year. I've read that it's good to get 2-3 HM's under your belt first, but I think once I cross the finish line, I'll have a better idea what I'll need to do double the distance.

Come on 2012 (said twenty twelve, if you're down with it), I'd really like to go for it.