Goal 1 Achieved!

Dear Running Diary,

I am chuffed to say, I've achieved my first goal. I ran the 5k park run this morning.

They were very welcoming when I turned up. The was some nice encouragement from the stewards on the way round and lots of claps at the end. Although I had read blogs, I didn't appreciate how helpful those claps and words of encouragement were. 

Distance: 5K
Time: 31:09
Route: Gravel pathway
Result: Went well. I was warned by a friend I that everyone goes off fast, and not to pay attention to that. I did exactly that and got past by a lot of people on the run up to the lap loop. But it was my typical pace at the moment, and I didn't let anyone influence me for the whole first lap. Although I was being past by people. I wanted to keep something in the tank for the second lap. Start of the second lap went  OK but I started to wonder if I would have any energy left for the faster finish I was planning. By the time I reached the finishing straight of the run, I had it set in my mind that regardless of how much energy I thought I had, I was going for a quick finish. There were a couple of people in front of me that I knew I could pass. I started sprinting and did quite well for a while, came to a slight incline and had to take my foot off the gas just till the top. Breathing very heavily by this point rolled up to the finish. Massive thank you to the people who clapped, felt so good after the pain of putting my foot down!

It's continually fascinates me how a run eb's and flow's during it's course, even at my beginner level. Different pace's, thoughts going through you're head as you go along. I had a great time and once I'd recovered some what and done some stretching, clapped home the last few people. 

Felt quite tired through the mid-afternoon, I may need to investigate energy drinks or gels. I've never had to look at these things, but if I'm to continue 9am Saturday park runs, I cannot let tiredness make me grouchy, it's not fair on my family. 

The park run website http://parkrun.com/home.aspx, very much advocates getting to the run via any other route than a car for the environment. So I cycled 4 miles there and 4 miles back. It was a perfect warm-up but the second half of getting home was a bit on the fierce side! Still, it can only help prepare me for the 10K to come!

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